Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to Look Thinner Right Away

young friends posing on the beach in California - Corey Jenkins/Image Source/Getty Images
Corey Jenkins/Image Source/Getty Images
There are times when you want to look thinner but you don't have weeks to go on a diet or spend hours at the gym. Perhaps you have a dinner date, a business meeting or an upcoming party where you want to look your best.  Or maybe you just want to look thinner in pictures.  So how do get a better body instantly?  The answer is easier than you think.  You simply improve your posture.

I know it sounds too simple to be effective, but think about it.

  When is the last time you saw a Hollywood actress slumping on the red carpet?  How often have you seen a supermodel slouching through an interview? Do you think that their radiant confidence comes naturally? It probably doesn't. If you want to look good, you need to learn how to stand tall and project your best self.

Benefits of Better Posture

When you stand up tall, you smooth out the bumps and lumps in your midsection and you look thinner, taller and more elegant.  Good posture is like wearing an invisible pair of Spanx.  But scientists have discovered more significant benefits to maintaining proper alignment.

Researchers recently found that good posture can affect your self image. In one study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology researchers found that when people practiced good posture, they felt more confident. When they slumped, they felt more doubtful.

Those feelings of confidence can change the way you look. In a recent interview about New York Fashion Week, beauty expert Bobbi Brown commented on female military veterans who strutted with ease down the catwalk.

  Since the women were not professional models, spectators were surprised at how elegant they looked.  But Bobbi explained that "so much about how you look is how you feel and so much about how you feel is how you look."

3 Ways Look Thinner Instantly

If you are ready to look and feel better about your body, use one of these methods to stand up tall, maintain good posture and look thinner.

If you take a few minutes each day to stand at a mirror and practice good posture, you'll be more likely to remember those body cues during the day.  Use simple methods to test your posture and learn how to stand up straight. You can even ask your spouse or your coworkers to give you a gentle nudge if you begin to slouch.

  1. Alexander Technique.  Athletes, musicians and dancers have used Alexander Technique for years to correct postural issues that may affect their performance.  But regular folks like you and I can use this body awareness technique to stand taller and move with confidence. I've tried Alexander Technique and was surprised to find that even a single session can make big difference.  You can find a credentialed Alexander Technique practitioner by visiting the organization's website.   
  2. Lumo Lift.  This new activity monitor not only tracks your daily steps and the number of calories burned, but it also supervises your posture.  Simply wear the stylish device on your upper body and it gives you a gentle buzz when it detects poor posture. I used Lumo Lift during my workday and found that I sat taller in front of my computer. I also noticed that I was more social during the day when I walked with better posture.
  3. Awareness. The easiest and cheapest way to look thinner instantly is simply to be aware of your posture all day long.  We often slump out of habit when we sit in a chair too long or when we have to stand for a while.  We also slouch when we find ourselves in awkward or intimidating social situations.
    If you take a few minutes each day to stand at a mirror and practice good posture, you'll be more likely to remember those body cues during the day.  Use simple methods to test your posture and learn how to stand up straight. You can even ask your spouse or your coworkers to give you a gentle nudge if you begin to slouch.

Of course, there are also beauty secrets that can help you look thinner in pictures.  And if want a leaner body in the long run, you should eat a balanced diet and exercise on a regular basis.  But good posture is a healthy quick fix that you can use right away to feel better about your body and project a radiant and strong self image.

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