Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tips to Avoid Overeating

easter eggsSunday's chocolate-fest may be an excuse to overeat.? But it doesn't have to be.? You can enjoy the day without overdoing it.? Whether it is the Easter holiday or any occasion, use these easy tips to avoid overeating.

  • Make decisions in advance to avoid impulse eating. Before you go to brunch or dinner, find out what will be served and make your decision about what to eat before the food is in front of you.
  • Don't let your foods touch. At a brunch or buffet, don't fill your plate so full that your foods are smashed together.? By leaving space between foods, you ensure that you are not overfilling your plate.
  • Provide options. If you think you'll be tempted to invade the kids' Easter baskets, make one for yourself with healthier options like colorful dyed eggs and fresh fruit.? Use this tip any time you are going to be around candy trays or treat displays.

Looking for more ways to celebrate without ruining your diet?? Get more recipes and tips:

Photo source: Kayrie/Morguefile

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Prevent Weight Gain During Menopause

Both women and men complain about midlife weight gain. But women often attribute the weight gain to menopause. The hormonal changes that occur during the midlife transition can wreak havoc on your body.

But is weight gain during midlife inevitable? Scientists have studied the changes that women go through during this time, and their research provides clues about how to maintain your weight or achieve weight loss during menopause.

What is Menopause?

Perimenopause, or early menopause, begins with changes to a woman's menstrual cycle. The changes may occur in the early to mid-forties or as late as the mid-fifties. The average age for the mid-life change is 51.

In the early stages, a woman's levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone begin to decline. During this time, her menstrual cycle may become irregular. Menopause occurs when a woman has not had a menstrual period for twelve months.

Many women experience hot flashes, difficulty sleeping and/or concentrating, and moodiness or irritability during this transitional time. Some women also report bone or joint aches, and weight gain during menopause. Weight loss during menopause is often difficult.

Is Weight Gain in Middle Age Inevitable?

Researchers have studied the link between weight gain and menopause. Many studies have confirmed that menopausal and postmenopausal women are likely to gain weight and have larger midsections than women who have not gone through menopause. But the reason why this weight gain occurs is not clear.

One research study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology questions how different factors such as age, menopause, and lifestyle changes account for the weight gain often experienced by midlife women. They studied the activity levels of over 3000 women across the country. They found that by remaining active, many women prevented weight gain.

In another study where both men and women were studied over the course of 20 years, researchers found that those who maintained a very high level of physical activity experienced smaller increases in BMI and waist circumference.

Prevent Weight Gain During Menopause

So what really causes midlife weight gain? In addition to the changes that happen in women's bodies during middle age, consider some of the other life changes that often occur.
  • Kids move away from home
  • Decreased workload around the house
  • Retirement
  • Increased travel
  • Increased interest in leisure activities
  • Increased time for social activities, such as cooking/entertaining/dining out
  • Change in life priorities, slower pace in life

Not every person will experience these changes, but many of them result in a decrease in our overall physical activity level. When our physical activity level decreases, so does our metabolism. This pattern has led some researchers to wonder if weight gain occurs because of a change in lifestyle rather than a change in our hormones.

To achieve weight loss or to prevent weight gain during menopause, stay active and eat a healthy diet. If your lifestyle begins to change as you age, try to keep physical activity and portion control at the top of your priority list.

  • When kids move away from home, use your extra time to exercise. Join a gym, organize a hiking or walking group, or learn a new sport.

  • If you have more time to entertain, learn a few healthy cooking tips and share low-calorie, low-fat meals with friends and family.

  • Travel and leisure activities can include exercise. Many travel companies specialize in active vacations. Instead of laying on the beach, bike, hike, or paddle through your favorite tropical destination.

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Prevent Weight Gain?

Hormone replacement therapy is the use of prescription estrogen, progesterone or testosterone to reduce menopausal symptoms. In some women, hormone replacement therapy has prevented weight gain. But HRT is also associated with side effects, such as an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

If you would like to consider hormone replacement therapy, speak to your health care provider. Together with your physician, you can determine the best treatment for your menopausal symptoms.


Chmouliovsky L, Habicht F, James RW, Lehmann T, Campana A, Golay A. "Beneficial effect of hormone replacement therapy on weight loss in obese menopausal women" Maturitas. 1999 Aug 16;32(3):147-53.

Ulf Ekelund, Herve Besson, Jian'an Luan, Anne M May, et al. "American Society for Nutrition." Physical activity and gain in abdominal adiposity and body weight: prospective cohort study in 288,498 men and women February 23, 2011.

The ESHRE Capri Workshop Group, Maggiore Policlinico Hospital. "" Human Reproductive Update September-October 2011.

Arlene L. Hankinson, MD, MS, Martha L. Daviglus, MD, PhD, Claude Bouchard, PhD, Mercedes Carnethon, PhD, Cora E. Lewis, MD, MSPH, Pamela J. Schreiner, PhD, Kiang Liu, PhD, Stephen Sidney, MD, MPH. "Maintaining a High Physical Activity Level Over 20 Years and Weight Gain." JAMA. 2010;304(23):2603-2610.

Donato, Giovana B, Fuchs, Sandra, Oppermann, Karen Bastos, Carlos and Spritzer, Poli Mara. "Association between menopause status and central adiposity measured at different cutoffs of waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio." Menopause March/April 2006 - Volume 13 - Issue 2 - pp 280-285.

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Resitance Training

Definition: Resistance training works to increase muscle strength and endurance by doing repetetive exercises with weights, weight machines, or resistance bands.

Also Known As: strength training, weight lifting

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BMI May Under Diagnose Obesity, Says New Study

The use of body mass index as a measure of obesity may not be accurate.? The results of a new study found that almost 40% of people who fell into the overweight category according to BMI standards were actually classified as obese when evaluated using other adiposity measures.

BMI versus DeXA Scan
The study, conducted by Eric Braverman, MD, and current New York State Health Commissioner Nirav Shah, MD, raises questions about the widely used BMI test.? In their research, they checked BMI results against body fat analysis using Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scan.

DXA? is a direct measure of body fat, muscle mass and bone density.? It is becoming the gold standard for body fat analysis.? According to a release, research results led Braverman and Shah to agree that BMI is an outdated mathematical equation which needs to evolve in order to correctly evaluate body fat."

Which Body Fat Test is Best for You?

As a patient, you may not have many options when it comes to the use of BMI or DeXA scan.? While the scan is becoming more available in hospital settings, it is still a much more expensive and time-consuming test to perform.

For most people, the BMI will still give them a reasonably accurate idea of how their health may be affected by their weight.? But if you question the results, ask your physician about the DeXA scan or about other methods to evaluate your percent body fat.

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Midlife Weight Gain: Inevitable?

couple on bikesDo you think that you'll gain weight as you age?? Have you already hit middle age and blame the spare tire around your belly on the aging process?? Many people expect to become less fit and heavier as a natural part of the aging process.? Women especially, often anticipate that part of going through menopause is gaining weight.? But does it have to be that way?? Maybe not.

Scientists have studied the relationship between aging, menopause and weight gain.? While studies confirm that weight gain in middle age is common, few of them confirm a direct causal relationship between getting older and getting fatter.? In fact, some suggest that lifestyle factors play a major role.

Regardless of your age, eating a healthy diet and staying active are essential for maintaining your weight and level of fitness.? And if you need to lose weight, don't use age as an excuse to avoid weight loss.? There are certain things in life that are inevitable.? Weight gain doesn't need to be one of them.

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How Many Americans

Question: How Prevalant is Being Overweight in America?

How prevalent is being overweight in America?

Answer: Almost two-thirds (about 66%) of U.S. adults age 20 or older are overweight -- about 62% of women and around 71% of men. Nearly one-third (about 31%) of American adults are so overweight that they are considered obese, meaning they have a BMI greater than 30; that breaks down to about 33% of women and 30% of men.

Less than one-third of all U.S. adults age 20 or older are at a healthy weight, which means they have a BMI of 18.5 through 24.9.

The prevalence of overweight has steadily increased over the years among both genders, all ages, racial and ethnic groups, educational levels, and smoking levels.

Recent research has shown that Americans are almost twice as likely as those who live in Europe to become obese. Not coincidentally, Americans have been found to be more likely than Europeans to suffer from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.


Dobbs, Ashante. "Emory Study Shows Chronic Diseases Cost U.S. $100-$150 Billion Yearly " 2 Oct 2007. Emory WHSC:: Press Releases. 29 Oct 2007.

National Center for Health Statistics. Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans. Health, United States, 2006. Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service. 2006 as quoted in National Institutes of Health. Win - Statistics. 12 Oct 2007.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Healthy Snacks: Tips and Recipes

Sometimes the hardest part of being on a diet isn't mealtime, but the time between meals when snack foods tempt you to eat too much of the wrong foods. Even if you only choose to bring healthy snacks into your home, there may be high calorie, high fat food at work or at social events. Holiday parties, summer barbeques, or Super Bowl parties can be a significant challenge to your weight loss success.

The best defense is to be armed with both healthy snack habits and healthy snack recipes. By combining behavioral strategies with low calorie foods, you'll be more likely to keep your diet on track.

Healthy Snack Tips

Put your snacks on a plate. Even healthy snacks can contribute to weight gain if you eat too much of them. Try to avoid eating directly out of a bowl or serving dish, which can lead to overeating. Choose small portions of a few healthy foods and put them on a small individual plate so you can easily monitor the amount of food you are eating.
  • Healthy Snack Recipe: Mock Hummus
    Mock hummus is full of protein and fiber, but low in calories. This recipe contains the healthy chickpeas that are in traditional hummus but eliminates tahini, which is high in fat. If you're at a party, serve the hummus in a large bowl with a serving spoon so that guests can take just a moderate portion to eat with toasted whole-wheat pita bread or vegetables.
    • 1 can drained chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
    • 1T extra virgin olive oil
    • Chicken stock
    • Salt and white pepper to taste
    Add the chickpeas to a food processor. As the beans are processing, add the olive oil and continue to process until the beans form a thick paste. Add chicken stock one tablespoon at a time until the hummus achieves a smooth spreadable consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Avoid mindless eating. Try not to eat in front of the television or computer. It's easy to lose track of how much you're eating when you're not paying attention to the food. You end up eating on autopilot. One study published by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that even when movie viewers were given stale popcorn, they ate just as much as they would have if they had fresh popcorn, simply because their eating habits were ingrained.

So what do you do if you are at a Super Bowl party or watching a movie with friends? Sit further away from the coffee table that might be loaded up with chip bowls and dip. Try to save healthy snacks for halftime or intermission.

  • Healthy Snack Recipe: Lettuce Wraps
    This recipe requires some preparation at the time you eat it because the wraps are eaten taco-style. This makes it harder to eat without paying attention to the amount of food that you are actually consuming.

Fill up on fruits and veggies. Fresh fruits and vegetables make the best healthy snacks. They are low in calories and generally high in fiber. Fill up on these foods first before even looking at higher-calorie snacks. If you are invited to an event, offer to bring a colorful fruit or vegetable display so you know that there will be a selection of healthy snacks to eat.

  • Healthy Snack Recipe: Seasonal Vegetable Tray
    Move beyond carrots and celery, and add brighter veggies to your snack tray. Visit a local farmers' market or speak to the produce manager at your local grocery story to find varieties of vegetables that are new to you. Blanch asparagus to bring out its bright green color. Cut red peppers into rings. Slice yellow squash at a 30-degree angle to give it a decorative look. Arrange the veggies on a platter with the Mock Hummus dip in the center.

Limit alcohol. Not only are alcoholic drinks loaded with calories, but the more you drink, the harder it is to exercise discipline when you are around snack foods that you crave. If you are at an event where friends will be drinking, choose one lower-calorie drink, such as a glass of wine or light beer. Then refill your glass with sparkling water or club soda with lime.

  • Healthy Snack Recipe: Sangria
    Try this Low Sugar Sangria with Agave Nectar or experiment with your own sangria recipe. Add wedges of fresh fruit, such as peaches, apples, pineapple, strawberries, or raspberries to your favorite white or red wine. After combining those ingredients, chill overnight, then add sparkling water or club soda before serving.


Dan Ariely, Michael I. Norton. "From thinking too little to thinking too much: a continuum of decision making." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science , 2:39-46.

David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, Mengju Wu, David Kurlande. "The Pull of the Past, When Do Habits Persist Despite Conflict With Motives?" Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin August 22, 2011

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Healthy Eating Tip from Smart Workout

smart workoutHealthy eating would be easy if fresh fruit, lean proteins and green leafy vegetables surrounded us all day.?? But that is not the case for most of us.? Wouldn't it be great if there was a nifty switch that would make us immune to junk food temptations?? Well, there is.? Sort of.

New York City health club owner Elaine Platt finds herself tempted by sweets and treats all the time.? She knows that it is unrealistic to expect herself never to indulge. So she's come up with a way to manage those indulgences in moderation.? And, as part of a Smart Workout all-inclusive Fitness Vacation, she teaches others to do the same.

One Question to Ask Before You Eat

Before you eat the donut or cookie or mound of French fries in front of you, ask yourself this question: Is eating this food a choice or an impulse? Knowing the difference may empower you to make a healthy eating choice.

  • Choice: You've made this treat part of your daily food plan.? You know how many calories you'll be consuming and know how to compensate so that your daily calorie count isn't tanked by eating this food.
  • Impulse: You have no idea how eating this food will affect your diet, but it looks really good so you've got to have it.

For many people, just knowing that they can make a choice to eat a treat takes away its power.? And being able to decipher between the choice and the impulse helps to puts you back in the driver's seat of your weight loss plan.

Photo source: Smart Workout

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Exercise for Weight Loss: 7 Steps to Success

One of the best ways to change your body composition is to combine diet and exercise. A good weight-loss workout plan will include cardiovascular activity to burn extra calories with strength training to build and shape the muscles. So how do you get started? These seven steps will help you set up a weight-loss exercise plan that works.

  1. Be sure you are healthy enough for exercise. It is generally a good idea to visit your doctor to be sure that you are healthy enough for vigorous exercise. Even if there are physical barriers that prevent you from participating in some popular forms of exercise, your physician may be able to suggest modifications that can be made so that you can begin a workout plan.

    You may also want to connect with other experts at the beginning of your plan. If you have physical limitations or previous injuries, a physical therapist may be able to help. Or a visit with a personal trainer may be worth the investment, as well. A good trainer will assess your level of fitness, help you set goals and design a weight-loss workout routine for you to follow.

  2. Don't feel pressured to buy tools or gimmicks. The most common question asked by new exercisers is: what is the best exercise for weight loss? The answer is simple. The best weight-loss exercise is the one that you do. It is not necessary to buy a set of DVDs or an expensive new piece of equipment to lose weight.

    At the beginning of a new exercise plan, focus on building a fitness habit. Once regular exercise is part of your daily schedule you can make adjustments to the type and intensity of your workout. But in the beginning, consistency is the key to success. So choose activities that you enjoy doing.

  3. Grab a few friends for company and accountability. One of the best predictors of success in a weight-loss exercise plan is social support. If your friends make exercise more enjoyable, you are more likely to continue the habit. Friends will also help to hold you accountable.

    If your immediate circle of friends is not interested in participating in your new weight-loss workout, then look a little further. Would some co-workers like to join you for an aerobics class after the office? Perhaps you have neighbors that would be willing to put the kids in strollers and walk or run through the neighborhood.

  4. Get equipped with exercise clothing. Invest in a good pair of shoes and breathable workout clothing. For your first purchase, you may want to avoid the big box retailers and go to a sport-specific store. Neighborhood walking and running stores are great resources. Often these smaller owner-operated stores have staff that are actively involved in the sport and can make specific recommendations for fit and wear.

    Once you make the initial purchase, make new workout shoes or clothing an incentive for continued success. Set short-term goals and reward yourself with a new outfit that will make you feel more comfortable and confident during future workouts.

  5. Write out a plan. It's easy to decide that you want to exercise. Getting it done is the hard part. There will always be another task, job or priority that can get in the way of your workout. To be sure that your workout remains a top priority, get out a calendar and schedule each activity in advance.

    Once you have the plan in writing, post it in a highly visible spot. Let it serve as a constant reminder. Set out workout clothing and pack a gym bag the night before your workout.

  6. Vary your workouts. Exercise for weight loss should include aerobic activity, which raises your heart rate, strength training that builds muscle, and flexibility training to increase range of motion in the joints and decrease stress.

    When you schedule your weight-loss workouts, try to vary the activity that you do every day. For example, you may want to jog on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays grab the bike and head to a park for some push-ups, lunges, and sit-ups. Stretch and balance in yoga on Sunday.

  7. Use active recovery days. Try to do something every day. That's right, no days off! Remember that when you schedule your workouts you will vary the type of activities you assign to each day. If you know you are going to do a longer or harder workout one day, schedule an easy workout, an active recovery, for the day after.

    Active recovery workouts get your blood pumping but are not vigorous. Easy lap swimming, a gentle yoga class, and a long walk with a friend could all be recovery day workouts.

Remember, the most important component of your new weight-loss exercise plan is consistency. Maintain a healthy diet plan and focus on getting the workout completed each day. The healthy habits you build at this stage will keep you on track throughout your entire weight-loss experience.

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Is Your Home Making You Fat?

houseThere are many causes of weight gain.? Whether you are putting on weight or struggling to take it off, the list of contributing factors can include physical causes, overeating, stress, emotions, and according to some, the aging process.? But most people wouldn't expect that their home would be on that list.

For some people, however, their environment can be the reason that they gain weight.? Whether it is the home or the workplace, sometimes the way we set up our spaces has an impact on weight gain or on our ability to lose weight.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are snack foods set out on the kitchen counter and easily visible? Try putting them away on a high shelf so that you don't see them as frequently.
  • Is there a television or computer in every room? Don't be distracted when you eat.? Mindless eating is often the cause of overeating.
  • Is your workspace designed so that everything can be reached from your office chair? Set up your workspace so that you are forced to move during the day.? Non-exercise movement is one of the best ways to burn calories during the day.

Simple changes to your environment can have a huge impact on your weight loss efforts.? Redecorate and shed the pounds!

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Three Quick and Easy Ways to Make Veggies Taste Better

Dietary guidelines recommend that we get at least five servings of vegetables every day. Veggies are low in calories, packed with nutrients and help you feel full when dieting. But for so many of us, veggies are a chore to eat. Try one of these tricks to make vegetables taste better.

  1. Break old habits and try new varieties. If your experience with veggies is limited to your mother's intolerable Brussels sprouts casserole, then it is time to branch out. Head to your local farmer's market and investigate new flavors.

    Search out vegetable varieties that you've never tried before. Speak to local growers and find out which vegetables are in season. You'll get the best flavor from foods that are grown recently and close to home.

    If there is no farmer's market in your area, talk to the produce manager at your local grocery store. Vegetables are their profession, and in most cases, they are happy to share buying tips and preparation ideas. Many grocery stores also provide recipe cards with new ideas for cooking.

    Quick and easy recipe: Have you tried Swiss chard? Chard can be prepared with just a few ingredients and very little added fat. Its savory taste is a perfect accompaniment for broiled fish or chicken.

    Sauteed Swiss Chard

    • 1 bunch chard
    • 1 onion
    • 1 tbs. olive oil
    • chicken stock
    • salt and pepper
    Remove the woody stems from the chard and slice into half-inch ribbons. Slice the onion. Heat olive oil in large skillet and saute onion until soft. Add chard and continue cooking until the leaves are dark green and very soft. Add chicken stock as needed to keep the dish moist. Salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Use herbs and spices to enhance or disguise the flavor. If vegetables are not your favorite food, then think about the foods you do enjoy. What seasonings are used to prepare them?

    Do you crave tacos and nachos? Try sprinkling cumin, cayenne or Tabasco on sliced zucchini or yellow squash, then roast for a Mexican-style side dish. Do you favor French food? Chop fresh herbs such as tarragon and toss with a teaspoon of olive oil. Brush lightly on asparagus and roast. If you prefer Indian food, sprinkle curry on eggplant or another soft vegetable and grill or roast.

    Quick and easy recipe: Try this basic technique for roasted asparagus. The same technique can be used with other veggies as well. Try one of the seasoning blends above or experiment with flavors from another food region.

  3. Hide veggies in your favorite foods. If all else fails and you simply can't tolerate the taste of vegetables, try hiding them. Veggies can be buried in other foods. Chop steamed broccoli into a small pieces and add them to low-fat turkey meatloaf. The blended seasonings in the loaf will cover up the taste of the broccoli, and you'll get one or two servings worth of vegetables inside a hearty lean meal.

    Steamed cauliflower cubes can be added to a low-fat Southwestern omelet. Use egg whites or egg substitute, red peppers and a small amount of low-fat pepper Jack cheese in a non-stick pan to prepare the omelet. The mild cauliflower flavor will be undetectable when eaten with stronger spicy ingredients.

    Quick and easy recipe: Carrot juice is a great way to get a serving of vegetables. Its sweet flavor blends well with fresh fruits and berries. Try this quick smoothie recipe for a healthy low-fat breakfast.

    Strawberry Smoothie

    • 1 1/2 cups carrot juice
    • 1 cup apple juice
    • 6 ounces low fat vanilla yogurt
    • ? cup fresh strawberries
    Mix ingredients in a blender, adding ice if you prefer. Serve chilled.


Food Groups - Vegetables. USDA. Accessed: November 25, 2011.

5 A Day. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed: November 25, 2011.

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