Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ways to Prevent Holiday Weight

Holiday weight gain seems guaranteed, but the fact is, the holiday season doesn't mean your scale will become your worst enemy! Here are some easy ways to prevent holiday weight gain.

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If I have one mantra for the holiday season, it would have to be: All things in moderation. Keep your serving sizes in check at all times and you really can enjoy your favorite holiday treats without gaining weight.
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Stay active during the holidays and those extra pounds won't creep up on you. A 30-minute brisk walk most days of the week can do wonders for maintaining your waistline. Get outside if the weather permits or hit the mall before it opens for a workout while window-shopping.
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Try some new ways to make your holiday meals healthier. Small changes can add up to a big difference. This can be as simple as serving steamed vegetables instead of casseroles or removing skin from the turkey. Just choosing fruit instead of a desserts can save hundreds of calories.
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Food cravings are a part of life, but they can be especially daunting during the holidays. You seem to smell or see tempting food nearly everywhere you go. If you can't avoid food cravings, the best way to fight back is to be prepared with a plan for an alternative activity to eating.
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The worst thing you can do when it comes to weight management during the holidays? Give into all-or-nothing thinking and keep making bad choices once you've made a mistake or two. Never throw in the towel just because of a few slip-ups!

View the original article here

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